

Attention! Preparation time almost two hours!

Goes well with pasta, mashed potatoes or risotto


You'll need:

  • A large pan or wok, with a lid, or the Tefal Astucio (if you've got one ;-)

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 2 thick (cross-cut) veal shanks (250-300 g each)
  • 2 onions, medium sized
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 300 g carrots (around 2 large ones)
  • 450 g tomatoes
  • 500 mL veal fond
  • 150 mL white wine
  • Some thyme, rosmary, a bay leaf
  • 1 organic lemon for 1 Tbsp. zest
  • 1 organic orange for 1 Tbsp. zest
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped parsley
  • 3 Tbsp. regular olive oil
  • Salt, pepper


Use a sharp knife to cut the skin in several places on meat, as it contracts during roasting. Press or dice one of the cloves of garlic, and dice the onions, celery stalks and carrots - Put everything together on the side. If necessary pluck thyme and rosemary and chop finely.
Heat up 3 Tbsp. regular olive oil and sear the meat on both sides (position 3), until it is nicely brown.
Then turn the heat down to position 2, add the pressed clove of garlic, the onions, celery stalks and carrots. Add salt and let it fry on medium heat (covered) for 10 minutes. In the meantime peel 450 g tomatoes, cut them small and prepare 400 mL veal fond and 150 mL white wine.
After the 10 minutes add the tomatoes, together with ½ tsp. thyme, ½ tsp. rosmary and a bay leaf. Pour fond and wine. Add some salt and pepper and let it simmer for 75 minutes on medium heat (position 2, covered). 15 minutes before the time is over you can zest the lemon and the orange (7 to 9 g each), chop the parsley and the second clove of garlic.
At the end, add the garlic, the zests, the chopped parsley. Stir and season with salt and pepper to your taste.

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