
Cheesecake Verrine with Fruits


Attention! This goes into the refrigerator for 5 hours!

Carinne's taking over ChezTeddy for this dessert :-)


  • A little dish
  • Two bowls
  • Four glasses

Ingredients (for 4 persons)

For the base:
  • 15 wholemeal biscuits
  • 30 g sugar
  • 65 g butter
The cream:
  • 200 g cream cheese (in the original recipe it's Mascarpone)
  • 30 g icing sugar
  • 1 sachet vanillin sugar
The fruits:
  • Frozen fruits, e. g. raspberries, bilberries

The base

Crumble the biscuits in a bowl with your hands, not too fine. Add melted butter and sugar, mix well. Put in the refridgerator.

The cream

Mix the cream with icing sugar and vanillin sugar.

Build the cake

First spread the base equally in the four glasses, don't compact it too much, then the cream. But the still frozen fruits on top. Put that into the fridge for 5 hours.

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