Preparation time approx. 1 h
This can be simply served as a salad with shrimps, or, if your hunger is a bit larger, I'd recommend adding rice noodles.
Those usually just need quite some time soaking in water (40 minutes for those that I use).
A variation could be to drop the beans and cucumber, only take 1 Tbsp. sugar and to add small pieces of 2 ripe mangos.
I admit, it doesn't really have that much to do with the Thai dish anymore. The dish is supposed to be stir-fried and with noodles. Here, the noodles are optional (I like them, Carinne not so much) and only the shrimps are fried. It is simply the salad version of Pad Thai ☺.
PreparationYou'll need:
Ingredients (for 2 to 3 persons)
First stepsIf the prawns are frozen, remove them from the fridge. You can even do this 1 hour before cooking. Check that there is white wine in the fridge! The rice noodles need to soak in water for some time before heating (approx. 40-45 minutes, see packaging). |
Marinade the gambas
If needed, let them slowly thaw, start in advance. |
Further preparations
In the meantime rinse and peel the cucumber. Cut lengthwise in quarters and these into 5 mm thick pieces. |
The vinaigrette
Mix in a small bowl 6 Tbsp. lime juice, 2 Tbsp. sugar (better: Xylit) and 5 Tbsp. fish sauce.
ChezTeddy Tip: If you find fish sauce
too salty, let it cook up in a pan for just a moment, then let it cool
down. Afterwards pour it into the bowl.
You will find salt remaining in the pan.
Add the mix of coriander, garlic and chili and mix well.
Fry the prawns briefly, heat the pastaNow heat the rice noodles in hot, not boiling, water for 5 minutes. Heat a little oil in a pan. Tip away the sauce and give the prawns another quick rinse, then fry over a medium-high to high heat, turning frequently, for just 3 minutes until they are red (if they were still raw - otherwise just heat for 1 to 2 minutes. |
Arrange everything on the dinner platesFirst place the cucumber pieces on the plates, then add the rice noodles and the mung bean sprouts. Arrange the prawns on the plates as well. Sprinkle the plucked coriander leaves on top and drizzle with some of the vinaigrette. Place the rest of the vinaigrette in a small bowl on the table, so that everyone can achieve the desired spiciness by adding it. |
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