
Wiener Schnitzel (Updated - v2)


Serve the cutlets together with the side dish (e. g. potato salad) and lemon, that one can use to squeeze over the cutlets.


You'll need:

  • A large pan or better a roasting try for the cutlets
  • Three plates for the coating
  • If needed a deep fryer for the chips / French fries

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 2 cutlets of veal, as large as possible (okay don't overdo it) and very thin (best piece would be the topside). Each around 180-200 g.
  • 4 yolks plus 1 whole egg
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Some plain flour
  • A lemon
  • Chips / French Fries (I buy deep frozen French Fries)
  • Other side dishes: green salad, red cabbage or potato salad
  • Clarified frying fat (in Germany it would be Butaris)
  • Salt, Pepper

The cutlets

To be able to coat the escalopes in breadcrumbs, we need three large plates for flour, egg and breadcrumbs.
Add a good amount of pepper and salt to the egg yolk. Mix well with a fork.

Now melt a good deal of Butaris in a pan on medium high heat (should be a 4 to 5 mm high layer). Now the breading: take a cutlet and spray or brush it with a little water on both sides, then turn it first in the flour, then in the egg yolk and finally in the breadcrumbs and immediately put it into the (hot) pan.
Fry it a short time and turn it. Everything should go quickly, since the cutlets are thin and the fat very hot. Better turn it several times, and watch out that it doesn't get too dark. As soon as it has the right colour, take it out of the pan, pour the fat away, clean the pan with a kitchen paper, and repeat all steps.

Also a tasty variation: Milanese Style, with a tomato sauce (just cut fresh tomatoes, one onion, two cloves of garlic, herbs (Oregano, Rosemary...) and Pasta.

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