
Lamb Apricot Tajine (Updated - v2)


Best served with couscous (approx. 100 g per person).

Attention, the meat has to marinade at least 4 hours, better even start the previous day.
Remove the meat from the refrigerator again 2 hours before cooking begins.
The cooking itself also needs around 70-80 minutes.


You'll need:

  • A Tajine (or casserole dish or wok with lid)
  • A large non-stick pan
  • A bowl with lid to keep the marinating meat

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • approx. 400-500 g leg (or shoulder) of lamb for strong lamb taste
    Weight also depends on whether a bone is present and how large. Leg of lamb usually has more bone than shoulder.
  • 2x ½ TL cumin (ground)
  • 2x ½ TL turmeric
  • 2x ½ TL cayenne pepper (ground)
  • 2x 1 TL sweet paprika
  • 30 g blanched almonds
  • 6 small potatoes
  • 100 g chick peas
  • 2 small onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 15 g sultanas
  • 1 table spoon honey
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Saffron
  • 350-400 mL lamb broth (you can use chicken broth, too)
  • 1 Tetra Pak (500 g) lumpy tomatoes
  • approx. 100 g dried (but still soft) apricots (12 pcs.)
  • 1 small Moroccan preserved lemon
  • Half a bunch of coriander
  • A small handfull of mint leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
ChezTeddy Tip: Two things should not be missing with these Tajine dishes:
To have the food more spicy, one should always place a tube of Harissa on the table. I would, if available, take 'Le Phare du Cap Bon' Harissa. That one tastes really the best.
Also you should always place plucked coriander leaves on the table, so that everyone can serve himself.

Marinating the meat

Cut the meat into smaller cubes (around 2 to 3 centimetres), put in a bowl. Add half of the herbs, mix well.
Cover the bowl (seal airtight) and place in the refidgerator. Take it out two hours in advance before you start cooking, so that the meat isn't so cold.


Roughly cut 1 medium onion, thinly slice 3 cloves of garlic. Prepare the second half of the spices.

Roast 30 g almonds in large non-stick pan until they are light to dark brown on both sides. Set aside.
In the meantime peel 6 small potatoes and cut them in half, if necessary.

Heat simple olive oil in the pan and fry the meat until it is browned on all sides. Put it into the tajine. Now fry the onions and garlic in the rest of the olive oil in the pan over a medium heat with the second half of the spices until they become translucent (add some good olive oil). Make sure that the spices do not burn.
Deglaze with 350-400 ml stock and add 12 apricots (approx. 100 g), 15 g sultanas, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 Tbsp honey, 100 g chick peas, potatoes and 500 g tomatoes. Bring to the boil briefly and season with salt and pepper.
Pour into the tajine, add saffron and mix well. Place covered for 45 minutes at 180℃ in the oven.
In the meantime you can pluck and wash the leaves of mint and coriander, cut the preserved lemon in half (you only want the skin): Remove the pulp and cut the thick skin into small pieces.

Last steps

After 45 minutes, remove the lid of the tajine and let it cook for another 10 Minutes (the tomato sauce should thicken a bit). Then add the lemon skin and the coriander and mint leaves (roughly torn with your hands) together with the almonds and let it cook for another 5 minutes.

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