
Moroccan Flatbread

Attention! Preparation time 2 hours!


You need:

  • A pizza stone (but it is also possible without, the temperature is not so high)

Ingredients (for 2 flatbreads)

  • 200 g flour (standard wheat)
  • 100 g durum wheat semolina
  • Some sesame seeds, if you like
  • 10 g yeast
  • 5 g salt
  • approx. 160-170 ml water

The dough

Mix all ingredients (except the sesame ;-). Knead for at least 5 minutes, the dough should be as soft as an earlobe. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth. Put aside in a warm place for three quarters to an hour (e.g. in the oven at 35 to 40℃).

Forming flat breads

Spread some durum wheat semolina on the work surface. Knead the dough again briefly and divide in half. Shape both into flat cakes and press them well into the semolina. Sprinkle a little sesame seed on the top and press it lightly into the dough with the palm of your hand. Then sprinkle some durum wheat semolina over it and cover with a dry cloth. Let it rise again for three quarters of an hour.

In the meantime, put the pizza stone in the oven (middle rail) and preheat the oven (circulating air, 210℃).

Baking the flat breads

If you like, you can now pierce the 2 flat breads three or four times with a fork (then they don't bulge so much) and then put them in the oven on the pizza stone. After about 15 minutes, if they do not yet have the desired golden-brown colouring, you can still switch briefly to grilling, but be careful that they do not burn or dry out.

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