

Sweet Chili Sauce or a Yoghurt sauce goes well with this.

I first learned about Samosas many years ago in Kenya and liked them quite a lot. Finally I got around to making them on my own, after looking at several recipies and videos. Most helpful about them Samosas themselves (how to do the dough and how to shape them), I found this video of an Indian Cook, whose web site I like to visit every now and then. His videos are well made and the food always looks so tasty. If you are into Indian food, you should stop by at his site, too.
Here's the video about the Samosas.
The stuffing with minced meat I came up with on my own. Certainly you can stuff them with everything you feel like - potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, fish, shrimps ...


You'll need:
  • A pan

As an appetiser, you should calculate 3 or 4 per person, for a main course 8 samosas per person.
Ingredients for the dough (for 4 samosas)

  • 150g flour
  • ½ tea spoon salt
  • ½ tea spoon cumin seeds
  • 50 millilitres water
  • 50 millilitres sunflower oil

Ingredients for the stuffing (for 4 samosas)
Stuffing with minced meat and chickpeas.

  • 80g minced meat
  • 3 table spoons chickpeas
  • ½ small carrot
  • 2 stems Italian parsley
  • ½ spring onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ tea spoon Garam Masala
  • ½ tea spoon turmeric
  • ¼ tea spoon ground coriander
  • ½ tea spoon chili flakes
  • A few pinches of salt
  • Sunflower oil

Ingredients for the stuffing (for 4 samosas)
Stuffing with shrimps and feta cheese.

  • 60g small shrimps
  • 2 green Thai chilis
  • 6 or 7 mint leaves
  • 1 lime
  • ½ small onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 40 g Feta cheese
  • A few pinches of salt and pepper
  • Sunflower oil

First steps

First prepare the dough: Give all ingredients into a bowl and mix well. The dough should be not too soft. Knead the dough for 5 to 10 minutes. Set it aside for half an hour.
The minced-meat stuffing:
Cut the carrot in small pieces, pluck the leaves of the parsey and chop finely. Cut the full spring onion into small pieces. Mash the chickpeas with a fork. Press the garlic or chop it finely. Add 5 table spoons of sunflower oil into the pan, plus all the ingredients of the stuffing, but the spices. Fry until the minced meat starts lose the pinkish colour. Add the spices, mix well and set aside.

The shrimps stuffing:
Sauté two table spoons of finely chopped onion with the chopped garlic in a small amount of oil. Put in a bowl. Add chopped chilis and mint leaves, 1 tea spoon of lime juice, a bit lime zest and the crumbled Feta cheese. Mix well. Set aside together with the shrimps for the samosas.

Making the Samosas

Separate the dough (should be around 240 to 250 grams) into six equal parts (ea. 40 grams). Form into small balls and process each as following:
Put a piece of dough on your work top (no flour!) and spread it very thin. It should get to a diameter of around 20 centimetres, in a more oval shape. Cut through the middle (along the short axis) for two Samosas.
Wet the rim of such a half disc with a little bit water so that the dough gets sticky. Fold it and glue the straight edges togehter so that you get a cone.
Hold this cone in your one hand and fill it with around two table spoons of stuffing. While filling, push it down with your finger to make it compact and get more into the cone.
Finally press the left and right thirds of the remaining open upper edges together, and shift them together, so that the middle third gets closed, too. Best is, to watch the video of the Indian cook, that I linked to on here.

Generally, Samosas should be deep-fried in oil. Since I am not such a big fan of deep-fried things, I put them in the ofen at 200℃ for 15 to 20 minutes until they start to get brown.

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