
Stuffed Side of Salmon Trout (Updated - v2)

This takes two hours to prepare!

Tastes great with chilled white wine (like a Chablis) and fresh bread.


You'll need:

  • a bowl to prepare the stuffing (this bowl should have a lid and be able to go into the oven!)
  • aluminum foil (two sheets, each a bit more than the length of the fillet)
  • a large pot to cook the potatoes

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • One side, around 600 g, of a Salmon Trout
  • 6 fresh brown button mushrooms
  • 6 small tomatoes
  • mix of fish spices
    (in German: Fischgewürz - with mustard seeds, dill seeds, pepper, onions, coriander, juniper berries, bay leaves and allspice)
  • grounded black pepper
  • About 150 g sour cream (for a sourish base) or crème fraîche (for a sweetish base)
    (most of it is for the very end)
  • 100 ml white wine
  • fresh parsley and a little bit dill weed
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • some butter to grease the aluminum foil
  • one lemon, cut in half squeeze the juice over the fish, if needed

The stuffing

Check that there is white wine in the fridge!

Remove the skin from 6 small tomatoes and cut them together with 6 brown button mushrooms in small pieces. Give them into the bowl, add the cut parsley and dill weed, 1 tsp. spice mix, some pepper, 1-2 Tbsp. Creme Fraiche/Sour Cream and 50 ml white wine. Mix well.

Prepare the fish for the oven

Spread one of the aluminum foils out. Grease it with butter.
Preheat the oven at 190℃.
Rinse the fish and dry it with kitchen paper. Place it on a cutting board (skin side up) and cut it into halves.
Place one half in the center of the aluminium foil (skin side bottom) and put some stuffing on top (around 4 to 5 Tbsp). Add 50 mL white wine. Now put the second half of fish on top (skin side up) and wrap the aluminum foil and fold the ends as tightly as possible.
I usually wrap a second sheet of foil around the package, as every now and then somehow the foil gets torn or punctured just a bit and starts to leak, but if one is careful it's not necessary.
Put the fish in the oven and and bake it for 50 minutes at 190℃.
The remainder of the stuffing goes into the oven, too, but later: put the lid on the bowl and put it into the oven around 25 minutes later.

The potatoes

It's pretty simple. When the fish is in the oven for about 25 minutes (depending on the size of the potatoes), put the potatoes in the middle pot with boiling water, together with a tablespoon of salt. Do not peel the potatoes.
The potatoes should be ready shortly before the fish, just take them out and put them on their side to cool.

The final step

As soon as the fish is ready, you take the fish carefully out of the oven. There should be a lot of sauce in the foil, carefully open the foil so that the sauce does not run away.
First place the two halves of the fish, without the filling in between, on two dinner plates. Then tilt the sauce and the filling into the bowl with the rest of the filling. Add 150 g of crème fraîche or sour cream, stir well and put it in the switched off oven for another few minutes while you are busy with the rest.
Peel the potatoes, put them on the plates (possibly add some fresh parsley), take the sauce out of the oven again and add some to the fish. The rest can be put on the dining table for self-service.

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