
American Pancakes



You'll need:

  • A large pan
  • A medium-sized bowl

Ingredients for the pancakes (for 2 persons, makes approx. 10-12 pieces)

  • 135 g flour
  • 12-15 g baking powder
  • 3 pinches salt
  • 240-250 mL buttermilk
  • 1 Egg
  • 40 g butter


  • Bacon (slowly fried in pan until cross and brown)
  • Apple sauce
  • Marmelade
  • Classic and important: Maple syrup
  • Whipped cream
    150 ml cream (at least 30% fat) and 9 g icing sugar
    Before preparing the whipping cream put cream and whisk into freezer for 10 minutes.
    Put cream and sugar into bowl. First mix cream and sugar on low speed, after 1 minute go to maximum speed to whip the cream until stiff (takes several minutes). Don't whip for too long, only until the whipped cream reaches the right consistence.
  • Maybe some butter to spread on the pancakes


Melt 40 g butter in microwave. Give 135 g flour, 12-15 g baking powder and 3 pinches of salt into a bowl, mix well. Add 1 egg, 40 g melted butter, whisk carefully while adding 240-250 mL buttermilk in several steps.
To bake the pancakes, heat up pan (medium-high). Spread a small amount of butter with kitchen paper then give just under half a ladle of dough into the pan and let it bake until the top is not looking 'wet' anymore.
With a spatula check carefully on one side if the pancake is ready to be turned, it should not be a problem.
Now bake the other side until it's brown, then repeat all steps until all the pancakes are made. In a large pan one can do 2 or even 3 at the same time.

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