
Crêpe Suzette




A tasty dessert that can be done with Crêpes made the day before.

For 2 people you'll need 4 Crêpes.


You'll only need:

  • A standard large pan
  • A zester or similar tool
  • Matches or culinary torch
  • 4 crepes (freshly made or old ones from the day before)

Ingredients (for 2 persons - 4 crêpes)
For 2 crêpes I would halve all ingredients except the orange juice: 150 mL

  • 2-3 large juice oranges for zest and 200 mL juice
  • 50 g brown cane sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • 6 Tbsp. Grand Marnier
  • 1 Tbsp. Austrian Strohrum (80%)


Wash oranges and peel off a zest. Then fillet these (the easiest way is to halve the oranges at the "equator" and then cut first on the inside once around to remove half the orange from the peel. Then cut the individual half pieces out of the skin).
Press the other orange(s), 200 ml of juice is needed.

Caramelise 50 g of brown cane sugar in a pan until the sugar has a dark brown color and is viscous. Immediately deglaze with the orange juice. This will steam heavily and the liquid caramel solidifies again.
Now add the zest and bring to boil to dissolve the solid caramel. Then fold in 30 g of butter, add 4 crepes and simmer for about 2 minutes. Then turn over the crepes and let it simmer for another 1 to 2 minutes.
Flambé: Put 1 Tbsp. of Strohrum and 6 Tbsp. of Grand Marnier in a glass and then pour over the crepes, immediately light the alcohol and flambé (you should have done this, with this amount of alcohol this could be dangerous - I would, for example, switch off any kitchen hood).
Place the 4 crepes on preheated plates.
Now simmer the halved orange fillets in the pan for 1 to 2 minutes, pour the sauce over the crepes and serve.

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