



Ich würde diese Crostini als "Gruß aus der Küche" servieren, jeweils ein oder zwei pro Person.

Wichtige Zutat: Ich würde als Brot ein gutes Baguette empfehlen, mit einem nicht zu kleinen Durchmesser.

In diesem Rezept kommen die restlichen Zutaten weiter unten...

Als erstes: Die Brotscheiben backen

Backofen vorheizen (Umluft, 170℃) und ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen. Baguettescheiben auf Backblech legen und mit Olivenöl beträufeln. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen.
Im Ofen ca. 5-6 Minuten rösten, mit einer Küchenzange wenden und nochmals 4-5 Minuten rösten.
Beim Herausnehmen wieder wenden und auskühlen lassen.
-> In der Zwischenzeit kann man die ganzen Zutaten sinnvoll in kleine Stücke schneiden/hacken/reiben - siehe unten!

Zutaten (Für 2 Crostini dieser Art)

  • 2 Scheiben vom Baguette, ca. 1.5 cm dick
  • 3-4 TL gutes Olivenöl
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • Ca. 2 EL Frischkäse oder Ricotta
  • 2 Scheiben Serrano
  • 4 Kirschtomaten
  • Etwas Kresse
  • Etwas Parmesan

Die fertigen Brotscheiben mit Frischkäse bestreichen, Serrano (in Stücken), Tomatenscheiben darauf und mit Kresse und Parmesanflocken bestreuen.

Zutaten (Für 2 Crostini dieser Art)

  • 2 Scheiben vom Baguette, ca. 1.5 cm dick
  • 3-4 TL gutes Olivenöl
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • Ca. 2 EL Frischkäse oder Ricotta
  • 2 Radieschen
  • 4 Kirschtomaten
  • 2 Kalamata-Oliven
  • Etwas Kresse

Die fertigen Brotscheiben mit Frischkäse bestreichen, Radieschen- und Tomatenscheiben darauf und mit Kresse und klein gehackten Oliven bestreuen.

Zutaten (Für 2 Crostini dieser Art)

  • 2 Scheiben vom Baguette, ca. 1.5 cm dick
  • 3-4 TL gutes Olivenöl
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • 2 Scheiben geräucherter Lachs
  • 2 EL Frischkäse
  • 2 EL Meerrettich-Creme (nicht reiner Meerrettich)
  • 1 Limette

Die fertigen Brotscheiben mit einer Mischung aus Frischkäse und Meerrettichcreme (je 2 EL) bestreichen, mit Lachs belegen und mit Limettensaft beträufeln.

Zutaten (Für 2 Crostini dieser Art)

  • 2 Scheiben vom Baguette, ca. 1.5 cm dick
  • 3-4 TL gutes Olivenöl
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • 6 mittlere Shrimps (vorgekocht!)
  • 2 EL Butter
  • 4 kleinere Knoblauchzehen
  • 1 Kirschtomaten
  • 1 Zitrone (zum Auspressen halbiert auf den Eßtisch stellen)
  • Junger gemischter Blattsalat und Balsamico-Essig

Die Butter in der Mikrowelle verflüssigen, fein gehackte Knoblauchzehen dazu geben. Die Kirschtomate in sehr kleine Stückchen schneiden.
Die Shrimps etwas klein schneiden und auf die Brotscheiben legen. Dann mit dem Knoblauchbutter beträufeln und die Tomatenstückchen drüber streuen.
Die Crostini auf einem Bett von Blattsalat mit Balsamico servieren.

Zutaten (Für 2 Crostini dieser Art)

  • 2 Scheiben vom Baguette, ca. 1.5 cm dick
  • 3-4 TL gutes Olivenöl
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • 2 Scheiben geräucherter Lachs
  • Etwas gutes Olivenöl
  • Etwas gemischter Salat
  • 1 Limette

Ein wenig Salat mit Olivenöl mischen. Den Lachs in kleine Stücke reißen und mit dem Salat mischen. Auf den Crostini anrichten. Mit etwas Limettensaft beträufeln.



ChezTeddy in the hands of HoneyBear.


You'll need:

  • A shallow large ceramic dish (diameter approx. 28 cm) for the oven
  • A large bowl

Ingredients (for 6 servings)

  • 750 g cherries in a jar (morello cherries)
  • 100 g flour
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 mL
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 Tbsp. cherry brandy or rum (approx. 40% alcohol)
  • Icing sugar
  • Whipped cream
    200 ml whipping cream and 12 g icing sugar
    Place whipping cream and whisk attachment of food processor in freezer for 10 minutes before preparing.
    Place whipping cream and icing sugar together in bowl. First let the cream stir on low speed, after 1 minute, turn to highest speed to whip until stiff (takes a few minutes).
    Do not let it beat too long, just until the desired consistency is reached!


Preheat the oven to 210℃.
Drain the cherries from the jar through a sieve (you could also do something with the water, so maybe catch it in a container).
In a large bowl, put 100 g flour through a flour sieve. Add 100 g sugar, 2 eggs and a little of the milk. Mix everything well. Then, in a few stages, while stirring, add the rest of the milk. add the rest of the milk. Mix until a smooth homogeneous dough.
Then add 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, 1 pinch of salt and 2 Tbsp. rum. Mix again.

Grease the oven dish completely (base and sides). Pour in the batter, then spread the whole cherries evenly.
Attention: The idea is that the dough is only so high in the mould that the cherries still stick out of the dough a little bit! But do not pour the pastry over the cherries they should not be covered.
Place in the preheated oven (middle shelf). Bake for 10 minutes at 210℃, then go down to 180℃ and bake for another 20 minutes (in the meantime you can make the whipped cream).
After baking, sprinkle generously with icing sugar and cool. It is best eaten while still slightly warm with whipped cream.


Braised duck in a fine sauce


Very tasty duck drumsticks with a great sauce.

Here red cabbage is a must (homemade). Make this the day before (tastes better).
Also Kartoffelknödel (potato dumplings) go well with it.
Preparation time for the drumsticks approx. 2.5 to 3 hours!


You'll need:

  • An oven-safe pan with a lid, a roaster that seals well or a tajine (that's what I use).
  • A small pan
  • A small pot for the red cabbage from the previous day

Ingredients (for 2 people).

  • 2 drumsticks of Barbarie duck (approx. 350 g each)
    We don't find duck breast so great with that sauce.
  • 2 medium red onions
  • 1 medium carrot (approx. 75-100 g)
  • 1 small piece of celery root (approx. 75-100 g)
  • just under 2 Tbsp. clarified butter/ghee (the fat from foie gras also fits perfectly)
  • 1 tsp. brown cane sugar
  • 50 mL port wine
  • 300 mL red wine
  • Approx. 350 ml broth (preferably duck, if you can't find that, game, or poultry in a pinch).
  • 2-3 tsp plum jam
  • 4 tsp redcurrant jelly
  • 8 bay leaves
  • 1 star anise
  • 2-3 tsp Mondamin Gravy thickener for dark sauces or simply cornflour
  • Salt and pepper from the mill
  • Nutmeg, possibly some cinnamon


Roughly dice 2 medium red onions, 75-100 g carrot and 75-100 g celery root, set aside.

Rinse the duck legs, pat dry, salt.Heat about 1 Tbsp clarified butter in pan/broiler and sear drumsticks briefly on both sides over medium-high heat until just lightly browned. Set aside.

In the used pan, now sauté the root vegetables for a few minutes (for the roasted flavours of the drumsticks). Sprinkle with 1 tsp. cane sugar and caramelise. Deglaze with 50 mL port wine, continue to fry until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Preheat the oven to 140℃ (fan oven). Add 300 mL red wine and approx. 350 mL stock, bring to the boil briefly.
Place the duck legs in the stock, add 8 bay leaves and 1 star anise. Then place in the oven, covered, and braise for 2 hours.

2 hours time for other things

Last steps

Now put the pan/roaster back on the cooker, put the duck legs on the side and tip the stock through a sieve back into the pan. Discard the collected root vegetables, as well as the bay leaves and star anise. Reduce the stock by half over a high heat.
Now it would be time to warm up the red cabbage from the previous day in a small saucepan.
Thicken the reduced stock with 2-3 tsp Mondamin (for dark sauces) or cornflour, reduce again slightly if necessary. Season well with salt, pepper, freshly grated nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon and 2-3 tsp. of plum jam. As soon as everything is right with the sauce (taste and consistency), pour it back into the tajine, add the duck legs and grill in the oven (level 4, grill, 250℃) until the skin is a nice dark brown.

Now serve with the side dishes, such as red cabbage and/or marrons and (separately) some redcurrant jelly.


Red Cabbage



Delicious side dish with poultry, game or Wiener schnitzel


You'll need:

  • A medium pot with lid

Ingredients (for 3-4 people, as you can easily keep this in the fridge for a week, I wouldn't make less).

  • 1 red cabbage (500 g are needed)
  • 1 medium red onion
  • 1 Tbsp. goose fat or ghee/butter fat
  • ½ tsp. juniper berries
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 small cinnamon stick
  • 100 mL red wine
  • 4-5 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tart apple (e.g. Boskop)
  • 2 Tbsp. redcurrant jelly
  • some freshly grated nutmeg
  • Possibly some cornflour


Peel the red onion, halve it and cut it into fine strips. Can go straight into the pot.
Remove the first leaves of the cabbage. Wash the cabbage, cut off approximately the required amount of 500 g from the cabbage (they are usually much larger) and cut out the stalk if necessary.
. Cut into fine strips with a sharp kitchen knife or a vegetable slicer.

Heat 1 Tbsp. lard in a saucepan. Sauté the onion until translucent. Add the red cabbage, 1 bay leaf, ½ tsp. juniper berries and 1 small cinnamon stick and mix well. Sauté for another minute or two, then deglaze with 100 ml red wine. Add 1 Tbsp. sugar, 3-4 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. salt, mix well again. Bring the liquid briefly to the boil, then cover and simmer over a low heat (level 3) for 70 to 80 minutes, stirring every 10 to 15 minutes - you can check whether the liquid has (almost) evaporated and add a little water so that nothing burns.

Wash and peel the apple. Remove the core and cut into wedges, halve them. Add the apple 15 minutes later.

Final steps

After approx. 70 to 80 minutes, remove the lid and cook until the liquid has almost completely evaporated (it doesn't take long for me, there isn't that much liquid). If you have more liquid or are in a hurry, you can help it along with cornflour.
Remove the spices and stir in 2 Tbsp. redcurrant jelly. If necessary, season the red cabbage again with apple vinegar, salt, pepper or sugar. Add some freshly grated nutmeg and pepper. Stir well again.


Potato Dumplings

Delicious side dish for meat dishes that come with a nice sauce.


You'll need:

  • A large pot

Ingredients (for 2 persons - 4 to 5 dumplings)

  • 400 g floury (!) cooking potatoes
  • 25-30 g flour
  • 25-30 g cornstarch
  • 1 egg
  • Nutmeg
  • ½ tsp salt


Boil 400 g potatoes unpeeled (because healthier) or peeled (because of burnt fingers afterwards ;-) until they are well done.
While they are still hot (if necessary) peel and mash well with a potato masher or simply a fork.
Leave to cool until lukewarm. In the meantime, bring a good amount (approx. 10 cm high) of salted water (1 tsp salt) to the boil in a saucepan.
Add 25 g flour, 25 g cornstarch, 1 egg, some freshly grated nutmeg and ½ tsp. salt to the potato mixture and mix everything well with your hands.
The dough should be quite firm, only slightly moist.

ChezTeddy tip: Prepare a small dumpling to test.
Especially if you haven't made potato dumplings often before, and you're not sure if the dumplings won't fall apart when cooked (hence floury potatoes, they have more starch - if there is too little, the dumplings will fall apart in the water) just make a small dumpling first and see if everything goes well - see the following section).

Separate the mass into 4 or 5 parts with wet hands and shape them into round dumplings.As soon as the water boils slightly (it should not simmer or even boil), put the dumplings into the water and let them steep at low temperature until they come up on their own and float to the surface. Then simmer gently for another 5 to 7 minutes, i.e. turn the temperature up slightly.

The dumplings taste best when you can serve them while they are still hot.