
Potato Dumplings

Delicious side dish for meat dishes that come with a nice sauce.


You'll need:

  • A large pot

Ingredients (for 2 persons - 4 to 5 dumplings)

  • 400 g floury (!) cooking potatoes
  • 25-30 g flour
  • 25-30 g cornstarch
  • 1 egg
  • Nutmeg
  • ½ tsp salt


Boil 400 g potatoes unpeeled (because healthier) or peeled (because of burnt fingers afterwards ;-) until they are well done.
While they are still hot (if necessary) peel and mash well with a potato masher or simply a fork.
Leave to cool until lukewarm. In the meantime, bring a good amount (approx. 10 cm high) of salted water (1 tsp salt) to the boil in a saucepan.
Add 25 g flour, 25 g cornstarch, 1 egg, some freshly grated nutmeg and ½ tsp. salt to the potato mixture and mix everything well with your hands.
The dough should be quite firm, only slightly moist.

ChezTeddy tip: Prepare a small dumpling to test.
Especially if you haven't made potato dumplings often before, and you're not sure if the dumplings won't fall apart when cooked (hence floury potatoes, they have more starch - if there is too little, the dumplings will fall apart in the water) just make a small dumpling first and see if everything goes well - see the following section).

Separate the mass into 4 or 5 parts with wet hands and shape them into round dumplings.As soon as the water boils slightly (it should not simmer or even boil), put the dumplings into the water and let them steep at low temperature until they come up on their own and float to the surface. Then simmer gently for another 5 to 7 minutes, i.e. turn the temperature up slightly.

The dumplings taste best when you can serve them while they are still hot.

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