
Swabian Zwiebelrostbraten (Updated - v2)


Preparation time around 1 hour!

Swabian Zwiebelrostbraten needs handmade Spätzle


You'll need:

  • A non-coated steak pan
    . (if you don't have one, you can also do everything in just one big pan, first the meat, then put it on the side, then the onions - but then it takes a good bit longer).
  • A large non-stick pan for the onions

Ingredients (for 2 or 3 persons)

  • 2 or 3 slices , ea. around 250-300 grams
    either (classic) roastbeef or I love to buy dry-aged entrecôte.
  • 3-4 large vegetable onions (I always take only the large rings, and the middle parts go on the side).
  • 1 Tbsp tomato paste
  • 750 ml beef stock
  • Some concentrated butter
  • Salt, pepper, flour
  • For this you definitely need Spätzle and/or good fresh bread (such as farmhouse bread)

First steps

First of all, because it takes the longest:
Cut the onions into large rings. Then put the rings in the coated pan with 1-2 Tbsp butaris and fry over a good medium heat until light brown to very dark, depending on your taste. I prefer them almost black. This may well take about 30 minutes. In the meantime...

For classic roast beef: Lightly pat the slices of meat with your hand and cut the fat around the edge several times.
Season a little with salt and pepper and coat in flour.
If you also make spaetzle, now would be the time to make the dough.

Fry the meat

Heat a little fat (max. 1 Tbsp. Butaris) and fry the meat over a rather high heat for approx. 3 minutes on each side until brown. Remove from the pan and put to one side.
I have a special steak pan, for really great grilled steaks, but this (non-coated) does not get on with the onions.
In the meantime (if spaetzle are on the menu) you can heat the large pot of water for spaetzle.

Final steps

Deglaze the onions with the beef stock, add 1 Tbsp tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to the boil and then tip into the steak pan.
Put the slices of roast beef in and simmer on a low heat for five minutes. If you also make spaetzle: It's now or never!
If you have done everything right, the meat should be nice and soft, still slightly pink inside, and it should not taste cooked.


Roulades with Spätzle (Updated - v2)


Attention! Preparation time around 2 hours!

Since this is a Swabian recipe, it goes with Spätzle


You'll need:

  • One medium pot with lid
  • A non-stick pan (or a sensible stew pot instead of a pot and pan ;-)

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

You could also make 4 (double everything) and then save 2 of them in the sauce for 2 days later. Requires only a little extra effort.

  • 2 thin large slices of beef (the topside, I think is the right word) for the Roulades
  • 4-6 thin slices of smoked ham
  • 2 gherkins
  • 2 small onions
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 celery stalks
  • around 2 tsp. spicy mustard (in Germany that would be Löwensenf Extra or Dijon mustard)
  • some flour
  • 2 Tbsp. oil
  • 2 Tbsp. tomato paste
  • 150 mL red wine
  • 500 mL beef stock
  • Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
  • 6 toothpicks (wood)
  • The ingredients for Spätzle (2 eggs, 100-120 g flour, salt)

Preparation of the ingredients

For the sauce: Cut 1 medium carrot, 1 of the 2 medium onions and 2 celery stalks in small pieces, set all aside in a plate.
For the roulades: Slice or dice the gherkins, finely chop the second onion. Set in a second plate aside.

Preparing the Roulades

Take one slice of beef, put it on a board
salt and pepper it lightly
spread mustard on it
put 2-3 slices of ham on it
Now put some of the onions and the gherkins on top.

Roll and fix the Roulades

Now fold the sides of the meat a bit and roll it carefully up. Fix it with 3 toothpicks, so that it will not open again, and doesn't loose the filling. Now cover the Roulade with some flour. Repeat all that with the other Roulade.

Frying the roulades and the veggies

Heat up oil in the non-stick pan. Fry the Roulades on high heat until they are nicely brown on the outside. Salt and pepper them a bit and place them in the pot. Now fry the rest of the onions, the carrot and the celery on medium heat in the pan. Then add 2 Tbsp. tomato paste and 150 mL wine. Let it boil well for a moment before adding 500 mL beef stock.

The sauce

Mix well and pour over the roulades in the pot.
The pot has the right size when the Roulades are covered by the sauce just so.
Now cover the pot with its lid and let it simmer for aroun 70 minutes.

Now you could do the Spätzle dough.

The final steps

After 70 minutes you will have one fantastic smelling and tasting sauce. Remove the Roulades again and add salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to the sauce to your liking. Let it boil up again and stir well. Now put the Roulades back in and let them simmer for another 10 minutes. That's it.

Cook the Spätzle during these last 10 Minutes.


Rabbit Tajine (Updated - v2)

Best served with Couscous.

Attention! Preparation time around 90 minutes!


You'll need:

  • A pan
  • A Tajine (you can use a casserole dish if you don't have one)
  • A mortar
  • Three bowls for the vegetables.

Ingredients (for 2 to 3 persons)

  • 1 small Rabbit
  • 1/2 lemon or better 1 Moroccan preserved lemon
  • 1 large onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 Tbsp fresh chopped ginger
  • 3 tomatos (medium)
  • 1 carrot (large)
  • 3 small potatoes
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • A large pinch of saffron
  • 1 bundle of cilantro
  • 500 mL poultry stock
  • Salt
  • Some Harissa to spice it up (just put it on the table so that everyone can use it)
ChezTeddy Tip: Two things should not be missing with these Tajine dishes:

To have the food more spicy, one should always place a tube of Harissa on the table. I would, if available, take 'Le Phare du Cap Bon' Harissa. That one tastes really the best.
Also you should always place plucked coriander leaves on the table, so that everyone can serve himself.
If the Tajine turns out too dry, one could add 100 or 200 millilitres of vegetable broth, slightly thinned.

First steps

Grind 1/2 tsp. cumin in the mortar, chop the ginger (2 Tbsp needed), press 5 cloves of garlic, then put all that together with 1 cinnamon stick in the mortar on the side.
Dice 1 large onion and 3 small potatoes and set aside, too.
Peel 3 medium tomatoes, cut in thin slices, cut 1 large carrot in small pieces and put all that aside in another dish.
Pour some olive oil into the tajine and add the tomatoes and carrot). -> If you don't do it in a tajine, but in a casserole, then they should go in last, together with the lemon. Cut the lemon in quarters and roughly remove the meat and throw it away. Cut the peel into small pieces.

Preparing the meat

Cut the rabbit if you got it in one piece, try to remove the skin as well. Remove the insides.

Frying of meat and onions/potatoes

Melt half of the butter in a pan and fry the meat until golden brown. During the frying add the rest of the butter.
When done put the rabbit parts on the side.

Now fry the potatoes in the pan (if needed add a bit olive oil), in the remaining butter, until they get brown. As soon as they start to get brown, add the onions. Fry until everything has a nice brown color.
Add the contents of the little bowl (the ginger, cumin, ...) and the poultry stock and mix all very well. Salt to your liking, then pour into the Tajine.
Add the saffron and the pieces of the lemon peel, mix well, then the rabbit parts. Put the Tajine into the oven and cook all for around 40 to 45 minutes at 190℃.


Green Chicken Curry (Updated - v2)


 This is a hot Thai meal!


You'll need:

  • One medium sized pot

Ingredients (for 2 to 3 persons)

  • 350 to 450 g (max) Pollo Fino (3-4 pieces)
  • 150-200 g mangetout
  • 400 mL coconut milk (1 can)
  • 2 red chillis
  • 100 g green curry paste (kaeng khiao wan)
  • 3 Tbsp. thai fish sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Preparing the ingredients

Cut the meat in thin long stripes, half the pea pods, cut the chillis small.

Cooking everything

Take half of the can of coconut milk and bring it to boil in the pot. Add the curry paste, stir and let it cook for a minute. Then add all the rest and let it cook at small to medium heat for 10 minutes, that's it.

Best with rice.

You can also do it with big shrimps: