
Minced Meat with Tortilla Chips

Something done quickly and easily. Chez Teddy under the control of HoneyBear
The self-made Salsa could be prepared one day in advance...


You'll only need:
  • A pan
  • Plenty of small bowls
  • A cheese grater

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 300 grams minced meat
  • 5 small tomatoes
  • 150 grams Cheddar cheese
  • 3-4 spring onions
  • Creme Fraiche
  • A handful of black olives
  • ½ can refried beans
  • Ready-mix Taco spices plus water
  • Hot Chilli Sauce or Hot Mama Sauce or similar
  • 1 bag of Nacho Chips
  • You should do this Salsa (has to be prepared hours in advance, better one day earlier)

Preparation of the main ingredients

Dice three of the tomatoes and put them in a little bowl, grate the cheddar and put that in a little bowl, cut two of the spring onions in small pieces and put them in a little bowl, and put the olives into a small bowl, too. Put the refried beans in a bowl and heat them up in the micro wave. Then you can put all that together with the Creme Fraiche on the dining table.
Now take the rest of the tomatoes and the spring onions and cut them small, that goes with the minced meat to be fried in the pan.

Frying the minced meat

Fry the minced meat together with the spring onions at medium to high heat until the red colour is gone, then add the rest of the tomatoes and the Taco spice mix with 150 millilitres of water. Cook all that at medium heat until all the water is gone, around 10 minutes.
This is fun to eat, the more people, the better

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