
Gaisburger Marsch (Updated - v2)


A real Swabian dish, even with a little story behind it.

Important! Preparation time around 2 hours!


You'll need:

  • A medium to rather large pot, with lid
  • A small pan
  • A large bowl
  • Everything you need to do Spätzle.

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • A large piece of beef, around 350 to 380 g - I ask for Tafelspitz
  • 3 marrowbones
  • 1 small to medium leek
  • 2 small to medium carrots
  • Some celeriac (around 150 g)
  • 2 small onions
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 250 g potatoes
  • Spätzle (recipe)
    With 2 eggs and approx. 110 g flour
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • Some nutmeg
  • Some parsley
  • Salted water (1.25 litres water and 1½ tsp. salt)

First Steps (add everything immediately to the water when processed)

Bring 1.25 litres salt water to boil (with 1½ tsp. of salt)
Cut the vegetables (leek, carrots, celery) into coarse cubes and slices.
Peel 1 onion, spike with 2 cloves.
Rinse meat and bones.

Cook everything

Now put 1 bay leaf in the pot and simmer gently, covered, over a low heat for 2 hours.
After 1 hour, peel the potatoes, cut into not too small pieces and add them.
In the meantime, prepare the Spätzle dough according to the recipe, and later fry the diced onion...

The final steps

Shortly before the 2 hours are up, roast the diced onions in 1 Tbsp. of butter until they are nice and dark brown and the spaetzle are cooking.
Then remove the meat from the pot and cut into small cubes and add back with the roasted onions.
Season with nutmeg and possibly a little salt.
Simmer for a further 10 minutes.
Then add the spaetzle and bring to the boil again briefly.
To serve, sprinkle with the chopped parsley leaves and remove the bones if necessary.


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