
Geschmälzte Maultaschen




You'll need:

  • A large pan
  • A small pan
  • A medium-sized pot

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 6 large Maultaschen
  • ca. 500 g Swabian potato salad (buy some or check my recipe)
    If you want to do your own Swabian potato salad, you have to start significantly earlier. Check the ingredients list ;-) I am not going to talk more about the salad here.
  • 3 medium sized onions
  • 2 table spoons breadcrumbs
  • 750 millilitres broth (beef)
  • Butter
  • Salt


Cut the onions into thin rings, then heat 3 Tbsp. oil in a pan and melt 1 Tbsp. butter in it. Now slowly fry the onion rings over medium heat for about 15 minutes, turning them over and over again. In the meantime, in a pot with 750 ml meat stock, cook the Maultaschen for a few minutes as prescribed (those from the butcher only up to 5 minutes, those from the burgers about 10 to 15 minutes).
As soon as the onion rings start to turn slightly brown, heat them up to medium/high heat and continue frying until they get the desired colour (I like them dark brown).
Now salt the onions a little and pour over one, maximum two ladles of the stock (this is called seasoning). Then place two or three Maultaschen in a plate, according to your appetite and the size of the Maultaschen, spread the onions on top and add a little of the sauce (about 3 Tbsp.) from the frying pan.
Keep plates warm in the oven.

Melt around 2 table spoons of butter in a small pan, best would be to keep the (small) amount of butter in one part of the pan. Add 2 table spoons of breadcrumbs and fry on medium/high heat while stirring continuously until you get a medium brown colour. If needed add a bit of butter or breadcrumbs. It should be just a bit wet, not dry, but you should see any liquid butter anymore.
Take the plates from the oven, add the brown breadcrumbs on top of the Maultaschen and either add the potato salad, too, or serve that separately.

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