
Spanish Garlic Shrimps


Recipe originally coming from Shuwen Lisa Wu ☺ 
I just changed a few minor things here and there



Goes well with white bread, baguette or Flatbread Greek style, and a chilled white wine


You'll need:

  • A casserole dish

Ingredients (for 2 personens)

  • Around 550 g Gambas without shell (with shell 750 to 800 g, if you don't have any other)
  • 150 mL regular olive oil
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • ½ or 1 Habanero chilli (or 4 to 5 Thai chilis if no Habanero at hand)
  • 3 Tbsp. parsley
    if you have some coriander green, that you want to get rid of, it goes well with it, too, but do not drop the parsley.
  • ½ tsp paprika (mild)
  • 1 lime (for the juice)
  • Fleur de Sel, ground black pepper


Preheat the oven on top/convection grill to 140℃. If the shrimps are frozen and or with shell, unfreeze and remove the shell.
Mix the paprika powder with the oil, chop the parsley, garlic and the chilli. Put all ingredients with Fleur de Sel and some pepper into the casserole dish and mix well with your hands.

Place in the oven (level 4) and grill at 250℃ for about 5-6 minutes.

Afterwards stir well and continue to bake fan-assisted at 180℃ for another 5 to 6 minutes. During that time the heat will slowly go down.
Then take it out, add the juice of 1 lime, mix well and serve hot immediately.

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