
Grilled Lobster with Cream Sauce

Preparation time: 25-30 minutes.


You'll need:

  • A casserole dish
  • A pan
  • A small pot or pan with lid
  • A good kitchen knife to cut the lobster
  • Maybe some lobster tongs
  • A small sieve

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

If this is the main course, it should certainly be 4 lobsters (I always prefer to buy 2 small ones per person, it is cheaper).
As one course of several, 2 lobsters would also do - then halve the other ingredients.

  • 4 lobster tails or better 4 whole lobsters (approx. 400 g each)
    With whole lobsters, the claws and legs go well cold with garlic mayonnaise as entrée.
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 shallots
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • 65 mL white wine (dry)
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 160 g crème fraîche
  • 5-6 sticks of chives
  • A little bit of dill
  • Some salt and coarse pepper

First steps

Check that there is white wine in the fridge!

Preheat the oven at 200℃.
For whole lobsters, remove the legs and claws (can either be placed in the oven like this or served cold as an entrée).
Carefully cut the lobster in half lengthwise with a sharp knife so that you get two equal halves.
Chop 2 shallots finely. Pluck the thyme leaves. Add to the pot together with 30 g butter, 1-2 bay leaves and 65 mL white wine.
Coarsely chop 5-6 sticks of chives and the dill. Put on the side, will be needed later.


Place the lobster halves, shell down, in the oven pan and bake for 10 minutes (pre-cooked lobster).
If the lobster is not pre-cooked, the lobster halves must be placed in the oven a little longer (about 6-8 minutes longer).

Meanwhile, start the sauce.
Cover the pot and put it on the cooker. Bring the contents to the boil briefly and then simmer gently over a low heat for 5 minutes.
Add 160 g crème fraîche, mix and bring to the boil briefly. Then put it on its side and remember the lobster in the oven ;-)

As soon as the 10 minutes are up, take the lobster out of the oven and put it on its side for a short time.

Now filter the cream from the pot with a not too fine sieve, pressing the shallots well against the walls of the sieve with a spoon. Add the chopped herbs (chives and dill), mix and generously sprinkle the lobster halves and season with salt and coarse pepper.

Put the lobster halves back into the oven and bake for another 7 minutes. Serve hot immediately. Goes well with baguette or toast.

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