VorbereitungDafür braucht man:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
Mit dem Mehl und Butter eine Mehlschwitze zubereiten: |
VorbereitungDafür braucht man:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
Mit dem Mehl und Butter eine Mehlschwitze zubereiten: |
You can also eat this gratin just like that, then of course you have to increase the quantity, but we like to eat this very much with a good beef steak or lamb chops or similar.
Preparation time: approx. 75 minutes
Preparation:You'll only need:
Ingredients (for 2 persons)
PreparationFirst rub the oven dishes well with a clove of garlic and then grease them with a little butter. Then crush the garlic clove a little with a kitchen knife.
Bring 300-400 mL milk and 75-100 mL cream to the boil in a small
pot, adding the spices straight away: 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves, the
crushed garlic clove, plenty of salt (about 1/3-2/3 tsp), pepper and
nutmeg. Peel 400-700 g potatoes and cut into slices as thin as possible. Preheat the oven to 180℃ (fan oven).
Now alternate layers of potato slices in the oven dishes (so that
they overlap only slightly) and 2-3 Tbsp of the sauce. Repeat until all
the slices are in the dishes. Pour the rest of the sauce over (the
potatoes will soak up some of the sauce), then spread about 20 g butter
flakes on top. Place the moulds in the oven for 40-45 minutes, keeping
an eye on them at the end for the desired browning. |
Preparation time: about three quarters of an hour
PreparationYou'll need:
Ingredients for the lamb pan (for two persons)
Ingredients for the yoghurt dip (for two persons)
Preparation of the dipPut 300 g yoghurt in a medium bowl. Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic, chop mint for 1 Tbsp, add to the yoghurt along with 1 tsp chilli flakes. Mix well and season with salt and pepper. Put in the fridge. |
Preparation of the lamb pan
Cut 400-450 g lamb loin into not too small pieces.
Put some simple olive oil in the pan and heat it very strongly
(but the oil must not start to smoke, then it was too much!).
Now add a generous squeeze of lemon juice, mix well and season again with salt and pepper if necessary. |
Zubereitungzeit ca. 45 Minuten
VorbereitungDafür braucht man:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
Die Zwiebeln in dünne Ringe schneiden, und dann 3 EL Öl in einer
Pfanne erhitzen und 1 EL Butter darin schmelzen. Nun die Zwiebelringe
bei nur mittlerer Hitze
langsam anbraten, ca. 15 Minuten, dabei immer wieder wenden. In
der Zwischenzeit in einem Topf mit 750 ml Fleischbrühe die Maultaschen
wie vorgeschrieben einige Minuten
kochen (bei denen vom Metzger nur bis zu 5 Minuten, die von Bürger
ca. 10 bis 15 Minuten).
Nun in einer kleinen Pfanne ca. 2 EL Butter schmelzen, am besten
konzentriert an einer Seite der Pfanne. In den Butter 2 EL Semmelbrösel
geben und bei
mittlerer/hoher Hitze bei ständigem leichten Rühren anbraten bis
es eine mittelbraune Farbe angenommen hat. Je nach Bedarf eventuell
etwas mehr Butter oder
Paniermehl zugeben, die Masse sollte feucht sein, nicht zu
trocken, aber es sollte kein flüssiger Butter mehr dabei sein. |
Achtung! Braucht ungefähr zwei Stunden.
VorbereitungDafür braucht man:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen; doppelte Portion)
Als erstes die Kartoffeln ungeschält kochen. In der Zwischenzeit
die Zwiebel fein würfeln und in eine Schüssel geben. 6 EL Essig, 6 EL Öl
und 1 EL Senf sowie die Hälfte der
Fleischbrühe zur Vinaigrette dazugeben und gut umrühren. |
Das paßt gut zu Schnitzel, Maultaschen oder Saitenwürstchen.
A recipe for fondue. Why a recipe? You just take meat, cut it into cubes, heat the fat and that's it.☺
I have often been asked what side dishes I make with fondue. And
that's exactly what this is about. How to prepare the meat (which meat
at all?) itself
is not really the issue here. That's up to everyone and, above all,
everyone has their own traditional opinion. Some do it in meat stock,
some in vegetable shortening (such as
Biskin/Crisco) and some in oil. And when it comes to meat - I
actually only like it with beef fillet, which would apparently cause
horror in France. And how do you heat it? Here there's the electricity faction and the gas
faction - I have a pot that takes electricity to it, but actually find
gas more sympathetic.
Attention: Preparation time min. 3 hours for the Baguettes!
PreparationYou'll need:
Ingredients (for 2 persons)
Side dish 1 - Carrot cream
Side dish 2 - Greek farmer salad
Side dish 3 - Garlic cream
Side dish 4 - Baguettes (have the recipe ready for this, I'm not writing anything about the preparation here)
Preparation of the yoghurt-carrot cream
Thinly slice 2 medium carrots (if using thick carrots, first cut
them in half lengthwise) and fry in plain olive oil in a pan over a good
medium heat (6) until dark brown -
this will take some time (40 to 50 minutes).
Preparation of the farmer salad
To mix all ingredients, taka a large bowl: Break the feta cheese into small pieces. Add all the ingredients to the bowl with the feta cheese. Pour the vinegar and the olive oil over it, mix it well with a spoon, then add salt and pepper to your liking. Put the salad into the fridge for 30 to 60 minutes. |
Preparation of the garlic cream
In a small bowl, place 2 Tbsp mayonnaise and Miracle Whip and 3-5 finely chopped garlic cloves and fresh thyme. |
Preparation of the BaguettesAs I said, use the corresponding recipe! ATTENTION: You must start 3 hours beforehand! |
For two apple strudels (are then baked at the same time).
Preparation time: approx. 3 to 3 1/2 hours in total:
First you need to make the dough, which then needs to rest in the
fridge for 2 hours! During this time, you can prepare the filling.
Ingredients for the dough
Ingredients for stuffing
The dough
Put 200 g flour, 2 Tbsp sunflower oil, 120 ml water and 1 pinch of
salt in the mixing bowl. Let the machine knead for around 10 minutes.
Then brush with a little oil,
place in a bowl and cover with cling film. Place in the fridge for
approx. 2 hours. |
The stuffing
Wash and peel 4 apples. Cut out the core. Then cut the apples into
eighths and cut these pieces into thin slices. Sprinkle the slices with
the juice of about half a lemon and leave to marinate.
Lightly fry 40 g almond slivers in a clean pan until lightly
browned, then melt 30 g butter in the pan and add 40 g breadcrumbs. Fry
the mixture, stirring frequently, until golden brown. Add 60 g brown
cane sugar and allow to soften slightly (I always do this until I notice
that the sugar starts to stick to the pan when stirring). Attention: The sugar must not liquefy, otherwise you will end up with a big hard lump of the whole mixture :-). |
The Strudel
After 2 hours, take the dough out of the fridge and divide it in
half (we want to make 2 strudels). Now roll out the first part thinly on
a floured surface, sprinkling a little flour over the dough as you do
See my photos of course, but I have watched these videos and find them very helpful:
essen & trinken Backschule Spread a thin layer of melted butter on the dough. Cover the dough lengthwise with half of the bread/almond mixture. Spread half of the apple pieces on top. Fold in the side edges about 2-3 cm. Lift the cloth slightly at the front edge and carefully roll up the strudel. While doing this, keep gathering up the cloth, i.e. stay close to the strudel, and also press the strudel down a little from above.
Place the baking paper on a baking tray and carefully place the
strudel on top. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with almond
slivers if you like (you can of course
leave them out if you don't like them, it's not the tradition, but
it tastes good! We sometimes do it with, sometimes without). |
Das Jägerschnitzel schmeckt am besten mit Spätzle
Anstelle von Schwein könnte man auch Kalb nehmen, warum nicht als Cordon Bleu?
Zubereitungszeit ca. 75 Minuten
VorbereitungDu brauchst:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
Erste Schritte
Pilze und Schnitzel braten
Zum Cordon Bleu passen gut Pommes, aber auch eine Jägersauce mit Spätzle (siehe dieses Rezept)
Zubereitungszeit ca. 30 Minuten
VorbereitungDu brauchst:
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
Erste Schritte
Um die Schnitzel panieren zu können, benötigt man drei große
Teller für 3 EL Mehl, 2 komplette Eier/M (gut salzen und pfeffern und
mit einer Gabel verquirlen) und ca. 75 g Semmelbrösel.
Siehe auch mein Rezept für Wiener Schnitzel.
Die Schnitzel am besten beim Metzger dünn ausklopfen lassen oder man hat einen Fleischklopfer. |
Schnitzel braten
Die Schnitzel vorsichtig in Mehl, Ei und zum Schluss in den
Semmelbröseln wenden - dabei auch darauf achten, dass das Ei auch am
Rand ist (dadurch klebt das alles zusammen und man braucht keine
Zahnstocher). Die Brösel gut andrücken. |