
Fish Tajine (Updated - v2)

Goes best with Couscous, but rice and flatbreat fits, too.

Attention! Doing the recipe will take almost 3 hours!
The cooking itself will take around 90 minutes.


You'll need:

  • A large pot or Tajine or cooking brick
  • A large pot to marinade the fish

Ingredients (for 2 to 3 persons)

  • ca. 400 g Fillets of Atlantic Wolffish (or as an alternative Victoria Perch / Nile Perch)
For the marinade:
  • 120 mL sunflower oil
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 4 Tbsp. fresh cilantro
  • 2 tsp. sweet paprika
  • 2 tsp. turmeric
  • Saffron
For the Tajine:
  • 140 g carrots (1-2 pcs)
  • 350 to 400 g tomatoes (large, they have more juice)
  • 1 small to medium onion
  • 1 small Moroccan preserved lemon
  • ca. 1/2 tea spoon salt
  • Ground pepper
  • 1/2 small red bell-pepper
  • 18 black olives
  • Plenty of coriander
ChezTeddy Tip: Two things should not be missing with these Tajine dishes:
To have the food more spicy, one should always place a tube of Harissa on the table. I would, if available, take 'Le Phare du Cap Bon' Harissa. That one tastes really the best.
Also you should always place plucked coriander leaves on the table, so that everyone can serve himself.

Preparation of the marinade

Check that there is white wine in the fridge!

Finely chop 3 to 4 cloves of garlic, cut the fillets into not too small pieces (around 4x5 cm).

Give all ingredients for the marinade into a large pot. Mix well, the fish has to be completely covered. Place for 1 to (better) 2 hours into the fridge.

Preparation of the Tajine

First peel 350-400 g of tomatoes, then slice them thinly, as well as 140 g carrots and 1 onion; keep each separately. Slice the salt lemon first and then cut it into small pieces - including the peel. Cut half the small pepper into strips.
Now build up several layers in the tajine:
One half each of carrots, tomatoes, onion.
Season with salt and pepper.
Now remove the fish from the marinade, wiping off a little of the marinade, and place on top of the vegetables.
Then spread the whole lemon on top, followed by the remaining layers in reverse layers again:
Onion, tomato and carrot.
Season again with salt and pepper.
Finally, spread the olives and pepper strips on top and pour the marinade over everything.
Cover and bake in the oven at 170℃ for 40 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 200℃ and bake for another 20 minutes.


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