
Naan - Indian Flatbread (Updated - v2)

You can start this 2 or 3 hours before the meal and just let the dough sit for the appropriate amount of time.


You'll need:

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 250-260 g flour
  • 1/2 TL salt
  • Some icing sugar
  • 15 g melted butter or ghee,
    plus around 1 Tbsp. to spread on the flatbread
  • 2 Tbsp. milk
  • 90-100 g mild yoghurt (Bulgarian yoghurt)
  • 1 egg (L)
  • 6 g yeast
  • 7 cloves of garlic
  • 2 red and 2 green chillies

The dough

The pizza stone should be preheated at over 250℃ (grill; the higher the temperature, the better) for about an hour (lowest setting).

Take a small bowl, dissolve 6 g yeast in 2 Tbsp milk, add the icing sugar (mix well), and put it in a warm place for 10 minutes.
In a second bowl, liquify 15 g ghee (microwave, but should not get too hot). Add 90-100 g yoghurt, mix. Now add the egg, beat the mixture with a whisk.
Now heat the mixture slightly in the microwave (lukewarm!). Then mix with the milk and the yeast.
Put 250-260 g flour in a large bowl, add ½ tsp salt, add the yoghurt mixture and knead vigorously for a few minutes (a kitchen machine is almost mandatory for the moist dough).
Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm place for half an hour (e.g. in the oven at 35℃).
Meanwhile, you can crush the garlic and chop the chillies.
Then flatten the dough with your hands on a lightly floured work surface and shape it. The dough should be approx. 3-4 mm thick up to the edge.
Now spread liquid ghee (approx. 1 Tbsp) on it with a pastry brush and add the crushed garlic and the finely chopped chillies.

Baking the bread

Put the flat-bread on the stone and keep a close eye on it, it goes rather quickly, thanks to the pizza stone also the underside.

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