
Parisian Cutlet (Updated - v2)

Pariser Schnitzel (parisian cutlet) was one of my very first dishes. Why it's called like that I do not really know. For years I've been thinking it must come from Paris. Until I met Carinne and I found out that in French they call *all* mushrooms champignons, and that specific mushroom that we call in German "Champignon" (field mushroom) is actually called Champignon de Paris. I can guess now where it comes from. On the 'Pariser Schnitzel' are Champignons, ahm, Champignons de Paris.
This goes very well with the Spätzle!

ChezTeddy Tip:

If you plan doing this with the Spätzle the best sequence would be to first do the dough of the Spätzle, put the dough on the side, then prepare the Schnitzel and the sauce and put the casserole in the oven. By that time, the Spätzle dough had enough time to sit, and you can cook the Spätzle. Having done that, the Schnitzel will be just fine to take out and eat ☺

This should be served with a green salad


For the Schnitzel, you'll need:

  • a pan
  • a small bowl for the sauce
  • a casserole dish

Ingredients (for 2 persons)

  • 2 large turkey cutlets
  • salt
  • 200-250 g sour cream
  • 1½ tsp sweet paprika seasoning
  • 60-70 g butter
  • 150-200 g of cheese (a cheese good for melting it in the oven, I like to use German or Danish Höhlenkäse (cave cheese).
  • one glass of small field mushrooms (around 200 g)
    [aka: button mushrooms, Champignons, Champignon de Paris]
  • Everything you need for the spätzle (quantity: 2 eggs, around 80 g flour).
  • and some green salad (e. g. Romaine lettuce)

The sauce

For the sauce, melt 60-70 g butter in a pan (not too hot, otherwise it will brown), then fry the schnitzels quickly until they take on a nice brown colour, then remove from the pan and 'park' in the oven dish. Now add 200-250 g of sour cream to the remains of the butter sauce (note: as sour cream consists mainly of water, it will splatter a lot when you add the cream. It is best to cover the pan with a lid for a minute or two). Cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly, then add 2 tsp paprika spice and a little salt. Stir again until everything is well combined, then pour the sauce into a bowl and set aside. - Just before eating, carefully reheat the sauce in the microwave.

Preparing the cutlets for the oven

Don't clean the pan out too much, use the rest for the next step: Fry the champignons (not too hot) for a few minutes (they shouldn't get brown). Put the field mushrooms and then the cheese on top of the cutlets. Cover it with a bit of paprika seasoning.

Doing the cutlets in the oven

Preheat the oven at 180℃ and put the casserole in. Bake the cutlets until the cheese gets brown (around 15 minutes the normal way, and then 1 or 2 minutes on 'grill', if necessary).
Get the cutlets with the topping onto plates and pour the remainders(the souce and whatever mushrooms are in the casserole) into the bowl with the sauce and heat that up again. This is supposed to be poured over the Spätzle after serving.
Bon appetit!

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