
Königsberger Klopse (Updated - v2)


Goes best with rice or potatoes, but also with pasta.


You'll need:

  • A pan
  • A large pot with lid
  • A medium-sized pot (for 4 people), or a small pot.

Ingredients for the meatballs (for 4 persons)
Yields 8 to 10 meatballs

  • 400 g minced meat (mixed or beef)
  • 1 small onion
  • approx. 40 g breadcrumbs
  • 2 small eggs
  • 1 litre of beef stock
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 black peppercorns
  • Salt and pepper
ChezTeddy-Tip: If you are cooking for two people, you can also freeze some of it. Just halve the amount of sauce and cook the rest as usual. Don't throw away the rest of the broth, but freeze 200 ml of it as well. you can simply make a new fresh sauce next time and have the stock for it. So only pout half of the meatballs in the sauce, put the rest on the side to cool and freeze later.

Ingredients for the sauce (for 4 people)

  • 50 g butter
  • 50 g flour
  • 8 tsp. of capers
  • 250 mL of dry white wine and 50 mL cream, or
    250 mL cream and 6 table spoons lemon juice

Preparation of the meatballs

Finely chop 1 small onion and fry in a little butter until translucent. Put all the ingredients (40 g breadcrumbs, 400 g minced meat, salt (approx. ½ tsp), some ground pepper, 2 eggs and the fried onion) in a bowl. Knead and mix everything vigorously until you have a smooth meat dough. Then form egg-sized dumplings with wet hands and place on the side.
In a large pot, bring 1 litre meat stock to the boil with 1 bay leaf and 4 peppercorns. Reduce the heat to low and now put the dumplings into the broth with a tablespoon. Put the lid on and let it simmer for 25-30 minutes - it must not be allowed to boil.

Preparing the sauce (quantities for 4 people)
If you are cooking for 2 people, whether you make the full amount of meatballs or not, use a small pot here and only half the ingredients.

Melt 50 g butter in a pot and stir in 50 g flour in batches. Deglaze with 250 ml white wine and 50 ml cream (or with 250 ml cream and 6 Tbsp (approx. 75-90 ml) lemon juice).
Now skim off about 400 ml of the stock from the meatballs and add. Stir well. Sprinkle in 6 tsp capers and then let the meatballs simmer in this sauce for another approx. 10 minutes over a low heat.

Rice or potatoes are the best accompaniment, but also pasta (e.g. pappardelle)


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