
Tarte Flambée - Flammkuchen (Updated - v2)

Tarte Flambée, the flat bread of Alsace

Preparation time: Approx. 90 minutes


You'll need:

  • A large bowl
  • A Chamotte stone - Important! -> Lowest setting in the oven, and it should heat up for at least 1 hour, so at least about half an hour before you make the dough.

Ingredients for 2 Tarte Flambée
The dough

  • 290 g wheat flour
  • ca. 140-160 mL water
  • 15 g yeast
  • A pinch of sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. sunflower oil
  • a bit more than 1 tsp. salt

The cream layer

  • 200g to 250g Crème Fraîche
    Attention: No Crème Fraîche needed for the "Alsatian"
  • Nutmeg
  • 2 to 3 pinches of salt (depending on the toppings)
  • Ground pepper

For the toppings, see at the end of the recipe

The dough

Now at the latest, the pizza stone should be placed in the oven (lowest setting) and heated up at 300℃.

Put 290 g flour in a bowl, make a well in the middle and crumble 15 g of yeast into it and sprinkle some (powdered) sugar on top. Mix the yeast with a little of the 140-160 mL water and a little of the flour to make a sponge mixture and set aside in a warm place for 10 minutes.
Then add a good 1 tsp. salt, 1 Tbsp. oil and the rest of the water in several stages and knead into a smooth dough until the right firm consistency is reached.

Cover the dough again with a damp cloth and put it aside - for about half an hour to an hour at the most.
In the meantime you can prepare the other ingredients for the topping.

If you're doing the "Alsatian", remember to thaw the snails!

The cream layer

Add the spices to the Crème Fraîche: The salt (2 to 3 pinches of salt - depending on the toppings), the pepper (not too little!) and the nutmeg. Mix well. This I always do the same no matter what kind of toppings I chose (Exception: "The Alsatian" - with snails).

The topping

In general put all the toppings before baking cut in small pieces on top of the tarte. Exception: Onions and spring onions should be divided into two parts and one part should be put on top before baking, the other afterwards.

Baking the Tarte

Cut the dough in half and roll out the first half to a thin flat cake. Spread with the cream Fraiche, and the topping and spread it over it. If you like, you can sprinkle a little flour on the hot stone before the first Flammkuchen. Then place the Flammkuchen on the stone.
If you have a chamotte stone, leave the heat at 300℃. Otherwise bake it normally at around 250℃.
Keep a close eye to it!
The second Flammkuchen is best made when the first one has been eaten.

Different variations:

The Spicy Spaniard:

1/2 yellow small bellpepper, 1/2 small onion, some slices extra hot Chorizo (let out a bit of the fat in a pan first), 1 chilli, also fresh chives (put these on after baking!).

The Greek:

With olives, 3 small tomatoes 2, spring onions and 100 g of feta cheese (feta cheese directly on the crème fraîche, then the rest on top):

The Hunter:

Mushrooms (if herb mushrooms, 3 medium, sauté them first), 150 g of the Crème Fraîche, 3 to 4 slices Serrano and parsley:

The Fisher:

175-200 g smoked salmon and leek (medium, blanched!), also for everyone half a lime to squeeze out:

The Levantine:

2 medium figs, 75 g soft goat cheese, approx. 50 g dry-cured ham (smoked or not, thin slices), 1 medium-large red onion, some half walnuts, a bit of rucola, 1 Tbsp. brown sugar, 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar, fresh thyme.
First slice the onion, melt some butter, add onion and sugar, sauté until sugar dissolved, deglaze with 2 Tbsp red vine vinegar, simmer gently for 5 to 10 minutes until liquid gone.
Put crème fraîche on dough, add onion, goat cheese, then figs in quarters and bake. Afterwards add ham, a bit of fresh thyme and (if you want) walnuts and rocket salad.

The Alsatian:

18 to 24 escargots and herb butter (no Crème Fraîche, remember to thaw the snails in advance and cover them in lots herb butter before putting them on the dough, otherwise they will be dry and hard!):


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